Arrow keys to move and jump
Space bar to shoot

I challenged myself to try to make a game in only an hour. I ended up spending too much time on things that didn't ultimately impact the game, such as the ability to jump, or an animation for when a bullet hits a wall.

My next project is to make a game over one day. I will use this same project and build onto it to see how much of a difference the extra time will make.

Postmortem - 6/24/2021 
    This was the first game of a personal one hour, one day, one week challenge, where I made games with varying time constraints. This game was build within one hour (minus the time to publish)
    I had intended to use this same idea for my one day game challenge that I was starting right after this, but ultimately I ended up going with a puzzle game idea instead.
    This game was built in GameMaker Studios. A lot of my focus was on finding a stylized look that could look good without too much time. For only an hour it turned out alright. If I were to do this again I would want to make sure to include some more gameplay elements, like a score and increasing difficulty.

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